Community : Kairos Torch Drakenstein
Weekend Desc : Torch Drakenstein #25
Start Time : 05-Apr-2024 12:00 AM
End Time : 05-Apr-2024 12:30 AM
Community: Sevontein Mens Inside #8
Weekend Desc: Mens Inside Weekend
Start Time: 05-Apr-2024 12:00 AM
End Time: 05-Apr-2024 12:30 AM
Community: Kairos of Mississippi- CMCF Men's Kairos
Weekend Desc: Men's Kairos Inside #44
Community: Kairos in Fayette County Pennsylvania at SCI Fayette
Weekend Desc: K-10 / Kairos Inside #10 at SCI Fayette
Community: SHEEPGATE a Division of Adult and Teen Challenge
Weekend Desc: April 4-7, 2024
Community: CREDO Recovery IL
Weekend Desc: CREDO Men
Community: Kairos in Maryland, Roxbury Correctional Institution
Weekend Desc: Kairos Inside Men
Community: Exodus 1EMS
Weekend Desc: Kairos Intl Prison Ministry
Note: The times listed are local to the event location. As time permits, I will be creating a timezone calculator to help you figure out what your relative timezone will be.
Country: The name of the country you are from. The event attendees would like to know if you are praying for them in another country.