Community : Lourie Emmaus, Nelspruit
Weekend Desc : Ladies Walk 83
Start Time : 14-Sep-2024 11:00 PM
End Time : 14-Sep-2024 11:30 PM
Community: Kairos Johannesburg Men's Prison Inside
Weekend Desc: Kairos Weekend #22
Start Time: 14-Sep-2024 11:00 PM
End Time: 14-Sep-2024 11:30 PM
Community: Mountain View Correctional Institution Kairos Inside
Weekend Desc: MVCI Kairos #6 - Kairos Inside
Community: North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage #181
Weekend Desc: A Christian gathering to learn more about our relationship with God thru talks & discussions, music and worship.
Community: Kairos Outside of New Mexico
Weekend Desc: Kairos Outside New Mexico #36
Community: Cleveland Emmaus Community
Weekend Desc: Men's Walk #188
Community: Westville Men's
Weekend Desc: Westville Retreat 2
Community: Son Valley Emmaus and Chrysalis Community
Weekend Desc: Men's Walk #163
Community: Westville Men's Inside
Weekend Desc: Retreat2
Note: The times listed are local to the event location. As time permits, I will be creating a timezone calculator to help you figure out what your relative timezone will be.
Country: The name of the country you are from. The event attendees would like to know if you are praying for them in another country.